Films vs dramas
first of all I would ask you one question, which is most watched? obviously, dramas are less watched in compare to films. some of the area of far villages or even in towns of India like countries, dramas are on oxygen. you can not say when they would get their end because they are already at the end! This is big reality. Even if you find some thing between the productions of films and dramas there is wide difference. films are given huge production value and they get profit too. while, dramas are depended upon the actors and individuals performance. you never know what would we see in future. well let's we all pray for dramas!
My thoughts are covered with lots of passions when I seriously talk about drama because I probably say, drama is something which is alive, which walks between us and more importantly walks in our soul not in our mind while film impacts on our mind only and we can see the effect reducing of a film day by day. drama put message through our heart.
high performances can be found by several actors of drama who have not only performed but lived in character. they made history alive. We will come to point, who is better drama or film. you can not say who is better but probably it is matter of choice. If you are lover of art and in addition lover of shakes pear also then you would never miss out dramas while as a action fan, I will prefer to watch movies.
I will end up this topic with one line saying about the movies and dramas. If you want live and soulful presentation then go for drama and if you want only entertainment then go for movies! It is up to you whom do you think a great deal
computer vs human mind
Computers vs Human mind
Personally sometimes when I think about this topic, my mind gets involved in the picture of matrix! A movie realized I think in 1999 and made a big success over the box office. movie was about the fight between human and machine and normally it was given an idea of some kind of matrix under which human lives and they are the slave of machines!
If someone ask me about the film and if I do not have science background or probably I am an orthodox people ( just consider as it, I am pure technology lover) then I will say, this is fake film. It is impossible! But as a science student and probably a technologically improved man, I will accept the things which are shown in that film. yes, it is possible!
After all, it is shown the year about 2135 and we know that in those days may technology reach to high standards which we can not think about. well, I love to write something on films but as I am here to give opinion, I will go for human mind. strong reasons are shown here. after all who had thought about simple water fuel and its fuel review in future?
* human has discovered machines and it is called intelligence and we have not yet found intelligence in machines(excluding some new models). So for today, we can say that our mind is superior!
* human imagination is beyond the limitations while machines have limits. human mind is so much complicated and hard to be solved that even a non-believer have to applause to the God for this great creation.
* What are machine doing right in present? they only have started to copy humans' ideas. They are at learning position and mind has gone through a long period of evolution.
* some of the energy or say powers which can not be descried are found in human mind, for example: telepathy!
All in all, when chess world champion won over the machine, it was not a victory over them but it was equivalence which is going to be shown by the nature and that is necessary for the existence of universe.
Personally sometimes when I think about this topic, my mind gets involved in the picture of matrix! A movie realized I think in 1999 and made a big success over the box office. movie was about the fight between human and machine and normally it was given an idea of some kind of matrix under which human lives and they are the slave of machines!
If someone ask me about the film and if I do not have science background or probably I am an orthodox people ( just consider as it, I am pure technology lover) then I will say, this is fake film. It is impossible! But as a science student and probably a technologically improved man, I will accept the things which are shown in that film. yes, it is possible!
After all, it is shown the year about 2135 and we know that in those days may technology reach to high standards which we can not think about. well, I love to write something on films but as I am here to give opinion, I will go for human mind. strong reasons are shown here. after all who had thought about simple water fuel and its fuel review in future?
* human has discovered machines and it is called intelligence and we have not yet found intelligence in machines(excluding some new models). So for today, we can say that our mind is superior!
* human imagination is beyond the limitations while machines have limits. human mind is so much complicated and hard to be solved that even a non-believer have to applause to the God for this great creation.
* What are machine doing right in present? they only have started to copy humans' ideas. They are at learning position and mind has gone through a long period of evolution.
* some of the energy or say powers which can not be descried are found in human mind, for example: telepathy!
All in all, when chess world champion won over the machine, it was not a victory over them but it was equivalence which is going to be shown by the nature and that is necessary for the existence of universe.
free classified ad vs paid
free classified ad vs paid classified
posting such a topic for this kind of comparison website takes more thinking. but as I told you this site is about personal reviews and less comparison. Every time you think about getting something free in your life what aspect do you really expect from them? Do they really want to give you free? Or they are on some kind of crusade like that to serve people!
Absolutely not, giving out free classified ad is a matter of business. obviously, it is great to have at least website ads on these free classified for couple of days but before you go to have some doubts about my mental situation, I will add simple description and then end up with my choice.
As you know there are couple of sites giving you free classified to show on their site, they gives you two type of services. first they do not charge you for some days says seven days free of period. your ad probably will display to many during this period and then they charges few bucks from your pocket to make your ad alive! good but not the best. As we think as a customer and not as a website owner, we come to know that image of particular thing or say website remains for few days and then disappear with respect to time. some of our site deals with really good content and perform well but it is hard to bring out flow everytime.
Ads are much more important to us weather they come in form of free or paid! as a free member you have some disadvantages like limited source of visitors. for example if you are on travel business and you want to give ad for your business, probably you will go for the paid ads only because you are having enough fund to invest and want to achieve high customers in less time because you do want to remain in business while having a tough competition.
At last I will tell you my preference for ads. I will sure go for free classified just because of my tight budget. so be wise and do better even utilizing free classified!!
food vs travel business
Food vs Travel business
We all eat and we love to travel. food is necessity while travel can be necessity in few cases only. I don't want to fed up this topic earlier by above hard line but I have only given the picture on which side I want to go.
Food business is widely spread among the nations with variety of food. If we take a look to its development over past years, we can firmly say that food business has changed a lot in manner of profession business. have you ever thought about having potatoes as your breakfast or snacks? but potato-cheeps and french fries have done it! This is the power of human mind. what I want to say is the powerful empire built on a daily necessity of human life called food industry is really a waste income generator business. It is profitable and preferable.
food and travel business both needs advertisement but food business wins point over here. you would not prefer to go for travel daily but you will need food regularly. and that is the fact. food industry understood the matter and tried to make food as people choice. As we know, we neglect many of food and vegetable available in market just because we do not like to it them. food industry does the work for you. they make it tasty for you and you it. fast food is the example of it. It is very profitable business if you are considering customer ratio than income margin.
travel business owner knows that how much competition they suffer from nowadays.It is easier to remain in business with competition for food business than travel business. because customer ratio of food business is higher.
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sex vs spirituality
sex vs spirituality
Today most selling product on internet is sex. Network is wide and don't try to search out the roots of it. you will get failed! while spirituality is mostly a boring thing for people and they prefer to say no to it.
sex and spirituality both gives different kind of pleasures. actually, we can not use pleasure word for spirituality because it is related to something which we are not much familiar with or something which is intangible.
from past, we can learn both spiritual and sexual activities happened year by year but ratio of them is eye catcher. probably, sex is on demand but as I am here to give review about sex and spirituality then I will go for spirituality. I have strong comments over it. please do not take it personally because it is all personal view of mine.
As we can find some sex attics who only enjoys pleasures and they have their own world in which they try out different people at different places. sex has become business nowadays and grown to the mark where its importance should not be neglected. but what is all this sex is and what does it gives?
well , it is only a game for few minutes for men just because as they get cum, their intentions towards sex becomes zero immediately. while in spirituality person enjoys the company of joy to the end of time!
sex has become risky in era of Aids and various diseases. no one wants to take risk in their life for few minutes pleasure although it is fact that they can not control on thier wishes. while as spiritual person, you develop the skill to take control over your wishes to fight with the sex hunger.
sex needs a partner or say company while spiritual person can receive joy wherever he wants. No boundaries and no limitations. all at his personal wish. sex attics sometimes need to be go for psychiatric treatment while spiritual person called as a psychiatric balanced person (It is fact that some of us call them as mad!).
At the end of article, I would add a very true reality which we can not refuse to. Sex attics know that there is nothing in sex. some of them really want to get reed out but they get failed. some of them do suicide but few of them go for spiritual way! It is up to us to decide rather to go for sex or spiritual way. after all choice is depend on us. still we can add most comments over the spirituality also.
ebay vs click bank
ebay vs click bank
ebay has created history in the field of e-commerce as we know. when everyone failed, ebay won the prize. why ebay became successful over the years and got success to remain in the market? well, we have to take a look on the history for that.
people who knew computer in past had not encountered with the word internet for few years ago. but when internet introduced to them, it brought hundreds of possibilities for business owner. they knew that it was the time to take an action and they all did it. computer owners had never imagined before that they could shop with their personal computers too in the future!
ebay remained at last only because of its market strategy. It ruled and others failed only because strong establishment of internet business strategy. ebay among others brought the word of Lincoln, by the people, for the people and with the people!
As now, many of us familiar with the name click bank has brought a very familiar affiliate program called sell commission. They pay high for selling and much more rewards are there.
As comparison goes on, I will prefer ebay only because it is people's site.There are few reasons from my side to go for ebay rather than click bank.
1. If i want to buy a product called music from both the sites which should be preferable? As first consideration, customer will go for the reliability. eBay won some points in this case only with the comparison to click bank. customers have full choice to contact their sellers. they too can collect the information and very valuable rating of the seller!
2. ebay is an opportunity not only to sell the products but to start your very own market or say shop online. while click bank is a affiliate program in which you promote other company. It is better to promote your company and own it rather than to do same thing for others.
3. Google and other program highly promotes ebay because they know the potential of ebay market and they too consider ebay as a serious business. It is all applied to yahoo and other sites also.
4. how about purchasing a old or second hand products! ebay does it for you. only because of its wide area of people who had associated with it not only with the hope to find out shelter for their business but as a shop from which they expect various and rare products!
dog vs cat as a pet
Dog vs Cat
fight between dog and cat is formally known by every single child and among us. there would no meaning if I start to write about their history. what I want to discuss here is the importance of both of them as a pet.
Simply, this conversion would become one sided if I will let dogs to be run after you! we can see the ratio of houses which have their pets, most pets are dogs. So, we can think that dogs are really good as a pet. let's Google our mind for some advantages and disadvantages of both of them.
dogs are faithful to their master and this is their plus point. while cats are counted for bad luck or for some hell related activities! what ever it is but let me tell you about a secret. secret is cats are famous between some sex addict girls who wants to pay out with their cats and shows them to their boyfriends telling look at my pussy cat!
I can not go to any side because I really have no time for pets around me. well, if you think you like dogs as well as cats then it would be some different matter as well.
fight between dog and cat is formally known by every single child and among us. there would no meaning if I start to write about their history. what I want to discuss here is the importance of both of them as a pet.
Simply, this conversion would become one sided if I will let dogs to be run after you! we can see the ratio of houses which have their pets, most pets are dogs. So, we can think that dogs are really good as a pet. let's Google our mind for some advantages and disadvantages of both of them.
dogs are faithful to their master and this is their plus point. while cats are counted for bad luck or for some hell related activities! what ever it is but let me tell you about a secret. secret is cats are famous between some sex addict girls who wants to pay out with their cats and shows them to their boyfriends telling look at my pussy cat!
I can not go to any side because I really have no time for pets around me. well, if you think you like dogs as well as cats then it would be some different matter as well.
web content vs professional magazine
web contents vs magazine contents
As usual magazines were popular and readers were more but now it is turned the way of looking. you can read anything at a press of mouse and also you gets free!(thanks to the hackers and their team who really making good social work day and night by providing us everything for free, lol). the matter is when you get absolute information then why will you go for the magazines? The answer is the trend.
Yes, we are followed by a trend of reading which started from magazine and this trend we can not put down soon. paper reading is more favorable rather then to Google for different topics(Don't stop to read my articles after reading this!). people enjoys more when they hand over books or magazines. second is the important articles by famous personals which can only be found in magazines.
My vote goes to website contents only because to which information I or may many people were unable to reach, they have done it for you. you can receive what you want as per your wishes only because of tough competition among website owners. lastly, if you are not reached to the sea of website contents and want to claim that I am wrong then I will tell you that internet is beyond the limits now( for example Games). search Yahoo, Google, altavista etc. you will be amazed with the providence.
As usual magazines were popular and readers were more but now it is turned the way of looking. you can read anything at a press of mouse and also you gets free!(thanks to the hackers and their team who really making good social work day and night by providing us everything for free, lol). the matter is when you get absolute information then why will you go for the magazines? The answer is the trend.
Yes, we are followed by a trend of reading which started from magazine and this trend we can not put down soon. paper reading is more favorable rather then to Google for different topics(Don't stop to read my articles after reading this!). people enjoys more when they hand over books or magazines. second is the important articles by famous personals which can only be found in magazines.
My vote goes to website contents only because to which information I or may many people were unable to reach, they have done it for you. you can receive what you want as per your wishes only because of tough competition among website owners. lastly, if you are not reached to the sea of website contents and want to claim that I am wrong then I will tell you that internet is beyond the limits now( for example Games). search Yahoo, Google, altavista etc. you will be amazed with the providence.
harry porter vs narnia
Harry porter vs Narnia
I thought twice before posting this topic as I am not a film critic or book critic as well but as a film watcher I can go for my vote. first of all let me introduce two novels or say series of novels on which films have been made. these two books have done outstanding jobs and made history of its own kind. you can find different fact about harry porter that those children who hated reading then turned to reading only because of harry porter books. Narnia is also a dramatic creation. obviously I will go behind the success, harry porter himself.
what differences we can find in both stories:
harry porter stands alone with his friends and reveals secrets. title also stand for the hero while Narnia stands for the Sega which had occurred as per book. There is a prince in Narnia while there is a school boy in harry porter. Narnia reveals glories of different characters. In harry porter you are feared with the name vol demon.
let me give my opinion on the basis of story foundation. Narnia is really founded well over the imaginary Sega of its kind but happy porter takes extras for its intelligent foundation. I always think about author whose mind has come with very difficult creativity and so simple that even a child could understood!
I thought twice before posting this topic as I am not a film critic or book critic as well but as a film watcher I can go for my vote. first of all let me introduce two novels or say series of novels on which films have been made. these two books have done outstanding jobs and made history of its own kind. you can find different fact about harry porter that those children who hated reading then turned to reading only because of harry porter books. Narnia is also a dramatic creation. obviously I will go behind the success, harry porter himself.
what differences we can find in both stories:
harry porter stands alone with his friends and reveals secrets. title also stand for the hero while Narnia stands for the Sega which had occurred as per book. There is a prince in Narnia while there is a school boy in harry porter. Narnia reveals glories of different characters. In harry porter you are feared with the name vol demon.
let me give my opinion on the basis of story foundation. Narnia is really founded well over the imaginary Sega of its kind but happy porter takes extras for its intelligent foundation. I always think about author whose mind has come with very difficult creativity and so simple that even a child could understood!
love vs extra merital affairs
love vs affairs
If some one ask you before your wife about your affairs what would you answer to him? that's it affair is all about to hide because it is not legal(as per wife rules/ same to husbands also!). while love in some cases where restrictions are there you have to hide. you will find waste difference between love and affairs if you calculate. true love is rare to find and I count them in affairs list because they are nothing then affairs indirectly. for love you do not have to Google your mind because it is said that love happens. while affairs take great deal of your mind. you have to think about person, place and time. affairs are unsecured. love gives joy while affairs give only entertainment because you can not enjoy your partner's company as you are feared of catching by someone.
if you do love then you may be get respect after few times of rejections from society and from house but still there is inner respect towards you from people while affair does not give respect. it takes away everything, sleep, money, time and peace. I'll go for love. it is better to get a lifetime joy with respect rather than to find few minutes of enjoy for entertainment.
If some one ask you before your wife about your affairs what would you answer to him? that's it affair is all about to hide because it is not legal(as per wife rules/ same to husbands also!). while love in some cases where restrictions are there you have to hide. you will find waste difference between love and affairs if you calculate. true love is rare to find and I count them in affairs list because they are nothing then affairs indirectly. for love you do not have to Google your mind because it is said that love happens. while affairs take great deal of your mind. you have to think about person, place and time. affairs are unsecured. love gives joy while affairs give only entertainment because you can not enjoy your partner's company as you are feared of catching by someone.
if you do love then you may be get respect after few times of rejections from society and from house but still there is inner respect towards you from people while affair does not give respect. it takes away everything, sleep, money, time and peace. I'll go for love. it is better to get a lifetime joy with respect rather than to find few minutes of enjoy for entertainment.
cheap flights vs professional flights
Cheap vs professional flights
many airline companies have come with cheap price offering for economic class customers. you can see the word economy class. I experienced same economical cheap experience while traveling with air India! so let us move on to the point.
Planes are believed to be a status symbol. If you have traveled via plane then in my country people would be surprised even after big clash in prices of flights. so what does it indicates? whether you travel in a car or in a plane it will be counted in your status rank. people who do not know actual flight prices in rural area, they may be easily cheated with your glamorous visit to the cheap plane but when you live around the watch dogs of your status then you strictly have to follow some professional rules of living standard.
first of all, remember that airlines do not give you sufficient providence as they gives in professional flights.(cheap flights will always serve cheap). while, you are in business and importance of your marketing business depends upon how you expose your status then it is mandatory for you to select professional flights. my vote is for professional flights as I have gone through the cheap process.
many airline companies have come with cheap price offering for economic class customers. you can see the word economy class. I experienced same economical cheap experience while traveling with air India! so let us move on to the point.
Planes are believed to be a status symbol. If you have traveled via plane then in my country people would be surprised even after big clash in prices of flights. so what does it indicates? whether you travel in a car or in a plane it will be counted in your status rank. people who do not know actual flight prices in rural area, they may be easily cheated with your glamorous visit to the cheap plane but when you live around the watch dogs of your status then you strictly have to follow some professional rules of living standard.
first of all, remember that airlines do not give you sufficient providence as they gives in professional flights.(cheap flights will always serve cheap). while, you are in business and importance of your marketing business depends upon how you expose your status then it is mandatory for you to select professional flights. my vote is for professional flights as I have gone through the cheap process.
angels vs demons
angels vs demons
This topic is for those who believe in angels and demon. So please, don't hesitate about anything and if you are new to these two words, you can simple click on them to know about their meanings. angels are divine while demons are cunning. They show off something that they actually do not have. while angels serve their master and only shows what he tells to them. As we know, angels and demons are from same background as demons were angels in past, we have to think on their current position before applying our vote to them.
some of us may have little more intention about demons because you may have interest in devil activities such as dark art, cruel sex, rap, murder etc. while those who wants to live on the path of God may choose angels. all in all it is not matter of action but matter of choice. Many of us may have experienced demons but few of us may be aware of the presence of angels around us because they only follow their lord. So it is hard to find out them between us. still those who believes in them, praise them in their prayers.
last but important point is the battle. As we already know about the battle between the angels and demons, who will win is the question mark but if you are going to decide today in whom side you are then it would be a matter of joining to the army of demons or angels! So carefully decide and comment over these topic.
some of us may have little more intention about demons because you may have interest in devil activities such as dark art, cruel sex, rap, murder etc. while those who wants to live on the path of God may choose angels. all in all it is not matter of action but matter of choice. Many of us may have experienced demons but few of us may be aware of the presence of angels around us because they only follow their lord. So it is hard to find out them between us. still those who believes in them, praise them in their prayers.
last but important point is the battle. As we already know about the battle between the angels and demons, who will win is the question mark but if you are going to decide today in whom side you are then it would be a matter of joining to the army of demons or angels! So carefully decide and comment over these topic.
hollywood vs bollywood
hollywood vs bollywood
well, if you are taking quantity of films then Hollywood gets the rank but if you take quality on account then Hollywood becomes first. some of you may say there is no comparison between bollywood and Hollywood but from last five years, bollywood have developed a real charm. world cinema have prepared to access in high tech mode where quality writers and graphics have emerged. some body asked me about how to watch movie? I thought over it and answered to him, if you are going to watch a hollywood movie then you will need your mind and senses. but if you are going to watch a bollywood film then there is no need of mind there. Just enjoy the songs, dance and actions!
I was fan of Hollywood pictures just because of its realistic directions but now bollywood have learned so far that I really proud to announce that I love to watch bollywood movies then Hollywood now. It happened not because of over watching of Hollywood movies but because of the films which I received from bollywood since last five years. you can take many example till on this date about the quality making approach of them, just watch munnabhai 1 and 2, satya, kaminey etc. It is also a fact that from hundreds of films releasing time to time, there are few among them which can make proud to us.
At last but not least, I want to salute the makers of mumbai meri jaan. It's really great movie!
chat vs panipuri
Chat vs Panipuri
As an Indian we know the names about and for them who does not encountered with them let me introduce you the most successful words in business of food in india: chat and panipuri.
from last couple of day, I have not tasted panipuri as well as chat. my tongue is seriously asking for this type of taste while I am bored with my daily routine food. As a human being and a modern person, we are the one on those big crowds around the towns and cities who prefer to eat fast, steady and tasty! We all know about the food business all over the world. The topic is on the comparison of two famous indian foods. let's begin with chat.
chat is highly spicy and delicious food. As in various places around bombay and north area chat is really famous food. but as I have noticed, there are less people who makes perfect chat nowadays. There is waste cutoff in taste during this period of tough economy. It is true but if you are asking for taste then you probably have to spend more. It is really not there. chat makers do not want to lose their customers by allowing a rise in their price list. As a result we can not get standard of chat.
While panipuri (on which I am voting) business got the point and rise their prises still to maintain their taste. In these two different cases we can see that no improvement has been made out( expect some cold panipuri formulas and festival chats etc.) Still, I love to eat the combination of perfect taste of puri and water of imlee!
Google vs microsoft hotmail
In era of information and technology, it is proved to have guts in your mind and not in your body. Person who fails in developing his personality and carrier over a couple of years tried to do something exciting, something new like Google!!
Google has already changed many lives and still working in this business. The most discussed issue in market nowadays is the competition between Google and Microsoft. Probably it is going to be interesting to know who will takeover each other but fairly say, Google is best!
This article is about the personal overview of G mail and hot-mail service. So let's come to the point.
As right now from here on my desktop, I am surfing to find out my mail with G-mail and at the same time I use hot-mail as another account. I tried to find out the difference between the services and found that G-mail is the best.
Not because of I am against of Microsoft or I am having Google mania! but simply on the basis of its standard and easy to use functions, I will go for G mail.
Five reasons to select G mail as your default mail provider.
1. Fast: It is fast. yes, it really gives you the fast navigation and loading time. G mail is click away! In comparison hot-mail takes few bits more. plus you want to delete a message then just go for it. It won't direct you directly to anther mail but you will be taken to the in box.
2. Region: if you will consider regions wise then most American prefer hot mail and other Asian countries go for simply G mail rules all over the world and it has spread in such a way that it covers more area of network. simply the best strategy!
3. Google Advertising: comparing to Microsoft, Google takes over every other in advertisement. So if you would like to go with a highly famous internet brand like Google, you will surely go for G mail rather than hot mail!
4: Map quest: NASA has joined Google program to promote its images of moon and mars. It is never ever facilities for free from Google. what else would you ask for? Google takes over in such a manner and that impression makes me to choose G mail. after all, it is all matter of image. It is called first impression is the last impression!
5. Google is first: as discussed about reasons about my choice for G mail, I lastly want to add a dramatic reason to use G mail. As G mail member, I prefer a good option which G mail gives and that is search bar. It gives you the facility to search for the mails and at the same time with a single click away, you can go to web search also!
These are my opinions about both of them. preferably, opinions change at every corner of view.
Politics vs Athletics
Politics vs Athletics
opps! It's seemed like I forgot something and tried to make nonsense in my article. but before you go for any decision and shutdown your browser, let me make clear that I am very much clear about this article. I just want to show you how they are related to each other and how they differentiate from each other. This article based on Indian situation of politics and athletics.
Well, as you know many of us take politics as a game and in that reason you can include it with athletics because it is also a game! jokes apart, let us make some sense of this topic. youngsters make choice of their field on the basis of good income source and powerful performance. As I told you about the youngsters I want to go for one question to you, how many youngsters want to join in athletics only for make proud to the nation? Well, few answers would be there because money is priority in us. whether to go for athletics where money is matter of dream and politics, it is better to choice politics! This is reality and we have to accept it. as a athlete, you are not given what you deserve. but as a politician you are given more than what you do not deserve.
choices are self made. As I am little more concerned about virtues, I will go with athletics.
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Legendairy Support
Do you love typography? Have you ever thought about pursuing, or have you even dabbled in, typeface design? Consider expanding your career possibilities.
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